A seasonal selection of vegetables, including potatoes, Every week you’ll receive a fresh selection of seasonal produce, together with inspiring recipes.

You can add weekly essentials like milk, bread, and eggs to your delivery to save on trips to the supermarket. There’s no need to be in when we deliver, inform us of a safe place to leave your delivery, with five different delivery days, delivering all across Stoke-on-Trent

Company : Walkers
Scheme Type : Local
Box Type : Veg Box
Sample Ingredients : Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Broad Beans, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Onions
Delivery Area (if local) : Stoke-on-Trent

Small Veg Bag, 1-2 people, 6-7 seasonal vegetables plus potatoes every week - £8.95

Medium Veg Bag, 2-3 people, 8-9 seasonal vegetables plus potatoes every week - £12.95

large Veg Bag, 3-5 people, 10-11 seasonal vegetables plus potatoes every week - £16.95

Free Range
Gluten Free