Each box will include a roasting joint or a whole chicken, as well as quick-cook cuts for weekdays. Great value for stocking up your freezer. Delivered in insulated packaging to keep cool on your doorstep.

Company : Riverford
Scheme Type : National
Box Type : Meat Box
Sample Ingredients : beef topside joint, beef mince, pork and apple(gluten free) sausages, small whole chicken.

Small meat box. Each box will include a roasting joint or a whole chicken, as well as quick-cook cuts for weekdays. Feeds up to 2 adults for a fortnight. 2-3 people - £52.50

large meat box. Packed with a wide variety of meat, each box includes a mix of easy-cooking cuts, a whole chicken and a roasting joint most weeks, enough to feed a large family over the course of 2-4 weeks. 3-4 people - £79.50

Quick and easy meat box. Create exciting, tasty and healthy meals in minutes with our quick and easy organic meat box. We choose the cuts to suit busy people who don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen. 2-3 people - £32.95

Free Range
Gluten Free
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