Lee Greens is a not for profit veg bag scheme run by enthusiastic, vegetable-loving people living in Lewisham, Lee, Blackheath and the surrounding area. We provide local people with seasonal, organic vegetables from small local farms – we believe in eating great fresh food that supports local trade and minimises food miles.

Every Wednesday and Thursday local farmers deliver organic veg to our hub. On Thursday morning our packers put the delicious, seasonal veg into bags. On Thursday afternoon our drivers drop off your veg at our pick-up points

Company : Lee Greens
Scheme Type : Local
Box Type : Veg Box
Delivery Area (if local) : Collection points around Lewisham, Lee, Blackheath

Small veg bag - £8.90

Small Veg Bag - no potatoes - £9.95

Standard veg bag - £13.75

Standard veg bag - no potatoes - £15.40

Standard veg bag - £17

Standard veg bag - no potatoes - £19

Free Range
Gluten Free