Our produce is as local as possible: we choose farms and suppliers in Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside and the Wirral before other parts of the UK. Of course there are some products that we have to import, such as bananas and citrus fruits. We ensure that the producers are paid fairly for their products through our importers.

We offer various sizes of box to suit different households. Each box contains the “basics” and also a mixture of cooking veg and salad, and fruit if required.

Company : Cheshire Organics
Scheme Type : Local
Box Type : Food Box
Sample Ingredients : potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, apples,oranges, bananas
Delivery Area (if local) : WA postcodes

Standard Combo, 12-13 seasonal fruit and veg lines - £16.00

Large Combo, 13-14 seasonal fruit and veg lines, larger portions - £21.00

Free Range
Gluten Free