This box is perfect for those who love getting creative in the kitchen and putting their own spin on everyday cooking. An organic mix of firm favourites and more unusual veg plus a weekly herb or flavour to match and inspire your dishes

Company : Abel & Cole
Scheme Type : National
Box Type : Food Box
Sample Ingredients : fairtrade bananas, mango, pears, asparagus, baby plum tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms, courgettes, sweet mix salad, white sprouting broccoli
Per Person : 6.75

3 fruit and 6 seasonal veg every week, feeding 1-2 people, £14.35

3 fruit and 7 seasonal veg every week, feeding 2-3 people, £19.75

3 fruit and 8 seasonal veg every week, feeding 3-4 people, £27.00

Free Range
Gluten Free
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